viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

Presentation of the Blog

Hello ALL 40K fans!

I just created this blog in order to share with everyone my experience as a "well trained" Warhammer 40K player (sounds better than veteran). Thing is that due to job I had to move from my home town in the South of Spain to the always lovely and sunny Brussels.

Lots of things changed with this move. However, my love for the game remains and I'm eager to learn and share with all the readers of this blog how the Belgian (and northwestern European) 40K scene looks like.

I'm the proud owner of a big Crimson Fists army (I'll be uploading pictures of it as soon as I get it from Spain, it's still waiting in my old basement). However, I think it's time to start something new. New city, new army.

Obviously I'll keep on playing with my marines, above all during the first couple of months. I already enrolled myself in a couple of tournaments, the first on April 10th in Brussels, and a team tournament on March 13th in Leuven (I'll play with my club, the mighty "Gent Thunderbolts")

I'm planning to play those two tournaments with my loyal Crimson Fists. Although in the meantime, I'll start collecting a new army (the new GK, Dark Eldar, Tyranids...).

Anyway, the contents of this blog will be: Battle Reports (including lots of vids and pics), Painting follow ups (adding staff for my Marines and the NEW ARMY), Tactics, and Sharing the experience of playing this great game in French/Dutch/English.

The last part will be a bit tricky at first. My mother tongue is Spanish, and I'm pretty fluent at English as I lived for a couple of years in England. That's it. My french is fairly basic and my dutch...not even that...Anyway, I know that won't be a problem as nearly everyone speaks English in Belgium.

Well, I think this will  wrap it up for now. I hope you'll enjoy the content of the blog, and if you play 40K and happen to live in Belgium drop a comment and we'll arrange a battle!

Hasta la vista...

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